Аудио рассказ: "The Ghosts of North Brother" (Elementary)
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The Ghosts of "North Brother"
by Taisia Kondrakova
deserted island [dɪˈzɜːtɪd ˈaɪlənd] — необитаемый остров
to be in the middle of something — находиться в центре чего-либо
ghost [ɡəʊst] — привидение
evil [ˈiːvəl] — злой, зло
dirty — грязный
to be shaken — быть потрясенным
to fix — чинить, налаживать, приводить порядок
to defeat — наносить поражение
Listen to the audio story in English
I want to tell you about the deserted island "North Brother". This island is in the middle of New York. On this island there was a house and in this house there was a ghost. The name of this ghost was Terorayl. He was evil and bad and brought only illness. He lived very well. He had a lot of money. He liked to read. Everything was good in his life. But Terorayl was a very dirty ghost. He didn't clean his house.
Once a good beautiful ghost came to "North Brother". She saw the house where Terorayl lived. She was shaken by the look of the house. The ghost went inside and started to fix everything. Terorayl came down. He saw the beautiful ghost and a very clean room. Suddenly his ugly face became beautiful. This is how the Good defeated the Evil. And Beauty defeated Ugliness.